
>> Index / Currency

What currency is used in the game?

   At this moment the official currency in Fight Club is so called credits. Also, there are eurocredits available and they can be bought for real money from the official dealers.

How can I earn credits?

    There are several ways to earn credits: killing your opponents and getting experience and ups, you can trade goods with other players or you might help the creators of the project or clan leaders. Also you can buy eurocredits from official dealers and transfer them to normal credits.

When will I earn my first credit?

   The first credit is given when you have 45 points of experience. You can access the encyclopedia or clan web sites to check the amount of credits you will be receiving for each up or level.

How do I use bank services?

    In order to use bank services you have to go to Scarecrow street and click on bank’s image. When you enter bank building, enter your bank account number and password. If you don’t have an account in the bank, you can open one (fee of 3 CR is charged). Everything else is pretty much self-explanatory.

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